I fixed Aerowalk (there were three missing textures, plus a broken shader), and finally captured my video, only to realize that I didn't add enough time to the end of it for proper transitioning, so I had to redo everything. And because I'm stupid, I deleted all the .ct3d files, so I have to restart from scratch. At least I figured out how to do everything (mostly), and won't have as many hindrances along the way.
This is an opportunity to fix everything that was wrong with the first instance, and make it all better in general. I know a few techniques I can use to make the whole process a lot smoother. Remaking the Aerowalk cam is really annoying, though, for many reasons, and so I stopped for today (or yesterday, by real logic), but will hopefully finish this whole thing tomorrow (or today, by real logic).
I'm also in the process of fixing all the texture bugs I can find. There are problems, of course, but I will have a fully-functional map pack soon, with absolutely no texture bugs, and possibly some improvements.
Looking a little bit at the way bsps work, I realized some cool things that are actually good to know: there is always a specific amount of room before/after a shader name when it's called in a bsp, which means that you can safely add/remove characters from the shader inside the hex editor. What it also means is that the character limit for shaders is easy to find. I haven't counted, but it's only about 30 characters or so.
I went through all the maps and fixed one bug in particular on every map that it appeared: telex. Instead of using the shader, which had proper blendfuncs, QL decided to use the raw texture, which looked like crap. So I overwrote the texture name with the shader name, and now it's all good. I had to also fix the shader, though, because it was stupidly done, and didn't work at all.
After I've fixed all the maps, and after Maverick gets off his lazy, vacationing ass and gives me an FTP, I might upload my fix.pk3 for other people to use, because I know I'm not the only one with this problem.
The last thing I'm doing is some more of my stupid demo modding/stitching. I have a basic plan, and nothing more. It will be more of a hobby that I can do whenever. It's stealing all of Mazu's cpm3a jumps from
HERE. Basically, I'll be doing all his jumps, and stitching them together into one big demo full of awesome, with some clever chat thrown in wherever it fits. The way I see me doing it is, I land a jump in CPMA (and record a demo obviously), then get the pos from the end of that demo and load it in defrag, then just run to wherever the next trick starts, and transition from there. I'll have to figure some clever way to go
from defrag
to CPMA, because there is no savepos in CPMA (otherwise I wouldn't need to make "interim" demos in defrag). Someone with real knowledge and skill could finish this in a couple days, but I'll be doing it over the course of X days/weeks/months. I'll figure something out, or this will just be another worthwhile project sent to the scrapyard.
Movies have been slow lately. Not many new releases, and not many old movies to download. I've downloaded pretty much every worthwhile movie that's already out, plus/minus around 5. There is one in particular that I would like to get my hands on, but have no way of downloading: anti-conformist, a staged fragvideo by the same guy who made
deception. Wussie has it, but he hasn't uploaded it anywhere, and own-age.com is dead so I can't get it there. It's been bugging me ever since I learnt of its existence.
That's pretty much it, aside from oranje having his own $10 VPS with massive lag spikes but an average ping of about 15ms (for both of us since it's practically right beside us both).