In CPMA, the func_rotating in the middle of the map jams up, which is bug #1. Then all the acid is almost invisible, and I can't fix it: bug #2. Then there's the techfloor_kc shaders which don't work properly, but I half-fixed to make them more bearable. They work in mme though, and with default (or near default) configs, which makes me think it's some setting. Bug #3. But the shaders are weird, and I think they're decals, but the shader doesn't work for decals, and so they're on the same level as the floor, and glitch partially in and out of view, which is bug #3b.
I don't know how to fix any of these properly, so I uploaded the map as-is, in case someone else wants to take a shot.
HERE is the link.
The map looks amazing, though, and plays well in cpm.1!

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